10 January 2009


What is Scott Johnson thinking?

Surely when he accepted the job of USA National Coach, he also accepted that the job entailed a full-time commitment to making USA Rugby strong?

How can he seriously think that he could be the Head Coach of a professional Welsh Rugby Club, which, in itself, must be a full-time commitment, and still give USA Rugby his best endeavours.

The world of Rugby needs USA and Canada to be strong Rugby nations - there is a lot of work to do, but the need is obvious to be a counterpoint to the already strong blocs, SANZAR and the Six Nations.

I read a lot of US Rugby websites, and you can see that there is a groundswell of interest there ... it may never be as popular as the major US Pro sports, but who cares - it doesn't have to be - it just needs to be able to stand on its own two feet, with a cohesive Senior Pro Competition, an integrated and uniform season, and be in a position to retain its best players in its domestic leagues.

It's a big country and there must be opportunities by the thousands to get the word out!

If they can get enough money to attract professionals from other countries, and are willing to have imported players in their top leagues, then they can definitely become competitive within the next twenty years, maybe sooner.

After all, the schools, colleges and universities have the facilities for training and development, there is no shortage of good athletes and not everyone can be a Pro NFL player.

I would love to be in Scott Johnson's shoes, with the opportunities for developing the game in the USA.

If he is not prepared to commit to the task, I think USA Rugby should wish him well, and send him packing..you'd have to guess that, if he is serious about the Wales job, then his heart must not be in the US job.

Memo to Nigel Melville and Kevin Roberts - there are plenty of good coaches out there who would give their left nut to have that job - I'd go looking for one of them.

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